The 45th Acura Grand Prix Of Long Beach

This was not only a fun-filled weekend, but this year felt fresh and exciting as the City of Long Beach welcomed the Grand Prix back to town with their new title sponsor: Acura. The Wife of the Party team kicked off the festivities early Saturday morning with DJ Herick playing near the entrance to get the crowd energized. Herick wasn’t alone; he was met with breakdancing troupes, Native American tribe-member performances, and sing-alongs with onlookers. Check out these photos from EDLT Photo below!


While the race has a new name and our responsibilities changed a bit, many of the fan favorites remained. From IndyCar races and drift challenges to the Lifestyle Expo and the Family Fun Zone, the Grand Prix ambassadors shuffled through the crowds to meet-and-greet with fans from all over the world. On Saturday evening, Cold War Kids performed a concert for ticket holders.


Meanwhile, our team prepared for the big race the next day. We had to communicate important information to our selected ambassadors, and with dozens of women, confirming their arrivals, informing them of what to expect, appropriate responses during interviews, ensuring they are hair-and-makeup ready for a corporate, family event, triple-checking their attire and the embroidery accuracy, and so much more. It was a busy evening!


Sunday morning began bright and early, starting off the morning with escorting our 25 ambassadors to the “Mayor’s Brunch” where journalists/sponsors/visitors are dining as part of their FAM trip (a trip to familiarize themselves with the race and Long Beach). The young women have been prepped and are hair-and-makeup ready, so they are able to easily begin mingling with attendees and pose for photos.


Following, we guide the group over to visit hospitality suites, VIP sections, and other sections throughout the event before lining up in Pit Row. Pit Row is where the ladies are assigned their drivers’ signs and they are given specific instructions. There is a beautiful procession of military dignitary, parachute jumpers, the Grand Marshall, and the singing of the national anthem. Then, it’s time to start your engines! You can feel the strong vibrations from the cars, and it’s always an exciting time for our team.



At the conclusion of the race, a few of the ambassadors are set on the stage to await the first, second, and third place winners. It’s such a thrill to see the winners accept their trophies and spray the traditional bottle of Champagne at one another. This scene is typically the one you see on the front of newspaper sports sections, website, and blogs. We are always so delighted to be a part of it. We can’t wait until next year to see all the brand-new ideas start to come to fruition!


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